Thursday, 22 September 2011

Healthy Tips to Gain Weight

You will find thousands of programs available if one is interested to reduce his or her weight. But there are a section of people who are underweight and want to increase their weight and they find it equally difficult to increase their weight. Skinny women find that gaining weight is not as easy as it seems.
Under weight may be due to an overactive metabolism, genetics, or poor eating habits. What ever the cause is it is sure to pose serious health risks later in life. Some  health hazards due to under weight are Low Immunity, getting tired very quickly, hair loss, higher risk of bone loss, loss of muscle bones, anemia, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy complications, heart irregularities, memory loss, digestion disease, cancer, hypothermia. So it is equally important to tackle the problem of being under weight like it is for obese person.
Reasons for under weight
There are many reasons why people may find it hard to gain weight. Genetics can obviously play a role, but individual personalities and the environment can be strong factors. Some people may be moving around and burning more calories than what they intake. Lots of physical activities are good but it should match with the quality of intake of calories to stay healthy. Some others lose their appetite, experience a change in metabolism, and/or lose poundage and muscle mass fast because of various reasons, including illness, chronic pain, depression, stress, and side effects from drugs. And in yet some others it may be due to genetics.
Weight Gaining diet:
Gaining weight is not impossible feat. It’s only that you have to take right initiative. Some of the recommended ways are:
  1. Have a balanced diet with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and the right kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats, olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts)
  2. Eat foods higher in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposed to higher in fat or sugar.
  3. Drink mixed juices in place of the juice of a single fruit.
  4. Have snacks in between meals.
  5. Do not take in alcohol half an hour before food.
  6. Drink plenty of water and healthy liquids like fruit juices, vegetable juices, milk, milkshakes etc. instead of soda, alcoholic beverages and caffeine rich tea and coffee.
  7. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This will help you to increase your weight.
  8. Increase the number of meals you have. At least take 3 square meals a day.
  9. Exercise regularly. This will help you to increase your appetite and hence help in weight gain.
  10. Try to take rest after every meal.
Herbal weight gaining Supplements:
  1. Ginger: It is regarded as a carminative and digestive stimulant and used to cure stomach ache, poor appetite, dyspepsia, flatulence and nausea. Regular use of ginger in food will increase the appetite.
  2. Gentian: Gentian can be used as a treatment for or loss of appetite, dyspepsia, to assist in the assimilation of food, and to provide tone to the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ashwagandha- It improves resistance power, anabolic agent, Increases digestion power, and relives stress.
  4. Shatavri Kalpa: In addition to gain weight, it also helps in developing muscles and reproductive organs.
Easy weight gaining tips:
    • Eat banana and follow it by drinking milk. You may also take banana shake instead.
    • Take a cup of milk and put some almonds, date palm and anjeer in it. Boil this milk and have it when warm.
    • Take 30 -40 Gms of raisins every day. It will increase your weight.
    • Have a mango followed by a glass of milk. Instead you can take mango shake.
    • Increase in the intake of fatty foods such as flour, rice honey, raisins, figs, dates, butter, and germinated wheat.

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