The lower back pain that is also called the chronic back pain is a very common problem of adults and aged people worldwide, the causes of these pains are different for different people and various treatments are also available for them.
Many times the medical treatments are suggested for such pains but I must tell you that there are many exercises that can give you even better results than the medicines.
Let’s discuss some of the most common exercises that are suggested for the lower back pain.
- The most common cause of lower back pain that is noticed in lots of people is the muscle strain or some injury, the best treatment for the back pain that is caused due to this reason is rest. Don’t keep a posture for a long time and try to take as much rest as you can. Because resting will give comfort to your muscles and this relaxation will also decrease their inflammation that is actually causing this pain.
- Previously I have suggested the rest for the back pain but for some people this suggestion is totally invalid, here I am talking about those people who are not active in their life or we can say who are called lazy. Such people should try to stay active in their daily routine because their slow pace is causing back pain.
- The complete exercises to lower the back pain are pretty simple and easy to do at home; if you are not aware of them then you can consult the online videos that are easily available over the internet. Here I am also going to tell you some of those.
- Deep breathing has been found to be very affective for the body muscles, for the back pain, lay down on the floor and raise your hips as much as you can. While the hips are in the air practice the deep breathing and stay in this form as much as you can.
- Stretching is also useful for your lower back pain, to stretch up the muscles of your lower back lie down straight on the ground and relax for some time. Now raise both your legs towards the sky and raise them as much as you can. This is a good stretching practice for the lower back muscles which will effectively relax them.
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