Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Dry Skin And Wrinkle

Eczema is a common term given to many type of skin inflammation. It can affect people of any age even though it is most commonly seen in infants. Statistics show that about 85% of people have an onset of it before 5 years of age. People with eczema often have a family history of the condition or a family history of other allergic conditions, such as asthma or hay fever.
What causes Eczema?
Though doctors are unable to identify the exact reason for the occurrence of eczema it is commonly found that the following reasons lead to its occurrence.
  • Extreme or sudden changes in weather conditions
  • Undergoing a lot of stress
  • Consumption of too much of alcohol or cigarettes
  • Chemical sensitivity towards any particular dye used in the manufacture of the cosmetics used by the person
  • Hereditary factor. If any one from the family has the history of asthma or hay fever
  • Abnormal function of immune system combined with a defect of the skin
  • Environmental allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) may also cause outbreaks of eczema
  • Some forms of eczema can be triggered by  the chemical substances  that are used in soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry and it comes in contact with the skin.
Symptoms of Eczema:
  • Intense itching is the first symptom in most people with eczema.
  • Sometimes you may find blisters and oozing lesions in the affected area.
  • It may lead to dry, reddened skin that itches or burns.
  • Repeated scratching in the affected area may lead to thickened, crusty skin.
  • Eczema can sometimes occur as a brief reaction that only leads to symptoms for a few hours or days, but in other cases, the symptoms persist over a longer time and are referred to as chronic dermatitis.
Treatment for Eczema:
Doctors may advise a change in the life style of the affected person and give medication. Some times both are advised for better results. The main aim of the treatment given in such cases are to prevent itching, inflammation and the worsening of the condition.
Moistening the skin by the application of creams or oils/ointments is a very important step for the treatment of Eczema
Natural Cure to Eczema:
  • Neem, also known as Sarbaroganibarini meaning “cure for all disease”, due to its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties can be used both externally and internally to cure eczema
  • Tulsi also has extensive medicinal properties. The combination of neem  and tulsi leaves can offer a natural cure for eczema
  • Applying a paste of garlic powder on the affected area is beneficial.
  • Mudpack offers a soothing relief from the sense of itching.
  • The grounded seeds of Palasha can be mixed with lime juice for preparing the medicinal mixture useful in treating eczema
  • A proper diet is vital in curing your eczema.. Scientists have proved that high levels of acidity have a direct impact on eczema. So make sure you have a good diet.
  • Applying moisturizer to your skin everyday will give you great relief and stop the itching within a few days.

Simple steps to prevent Wrinkle

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 The issue of wrinkles is a common feature with increase in age among the humans. Only those who are not sanctified with astonishing genes do not face these problems. There are some basic reasons for the occurrence of wrinkles can be stated as follows:
  1. The skin becomes dry  and scaly as time passes
  2. It is caused by the loss of subcutaneous fat and water in the epidermal layers of the skin and exposure to the sun over many years.
  3. The elasticity of the skin decreases and the glands produce less sebum .
  4. The inability of the body to make the essential chemicals needed for a healthy and glowing skin.
There are a very many other causes due to which wrinkles develop very fast. Smoking is one the main reason due to which we can face the wrinkle issue. It gives harm to lower as well as upper lip skin. It gives a very bad effect near to your eyes. Those people who take tensions also face this issue. There are some reasons like heredity which are not in our control and these factors give the wrinkles to our body.
As is seen the parts which are exposed to sun the maximum, like the backside of our hand and face maximum are affected the most.
Can you avoid wrinkles?
When we now know the reasons for the occurrence of wrinkles we also want to know if they can be avoided. Although we cannot completely avoid wrinkling we can delay it and keep it to the minimum by doing some simple things.
  • Never bathe with hot water. Use warm water instead.
  • Always use oil based soap.
  • After bathing, avoid the use of dusting powder. Instead apply an emollient lotion
How to treat Wrinkles?
You can use an anti-aging cream which is found in the market in plenty. But the best ones are those which are prescribed by the dermatologists and those which suit your skin. But the simplest thing is to accept it as a fact and enjoy aging. However you can follow the following simple steps to delay or sometimes even avoid Wrinkling.
  • Put an end to smoking and drinking as research has linked smoking to the formation of wrinkling below the eyes and around the mouth.
  • Keep off fried and fast foods as much as possible and include more vegetables and fruits which are anti oxidants and are known to bolster skin cells and tissues to withstand the biological aging process.
Home remedies for wrinkling:
  • Apply egg whites to the skin under eyes to reduce wrinkles.
  • Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E tablets into a small bowl. Add to this 2 tablespoonful simple yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face with the use of a cotton ball. Remain it on for 10 minutes and wash.
  • Make a mixture of 1/4 cup comfrey infusion, 1/4 cup witch hazel and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil. Apply on the affected areas.
  • Massage coconut oil softly on the wrinkled skin at bed time.
  • Apply a paste of grounded turmeric and sugarcane juice to delay wrinkling.
  • Massage the core of pineapple on the face and rinse after 10-15 minutes.

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