Thursday, 22 September 2011

Good Parenting Tips

Every parent would like their child to proudly say that “My parents are the best parents in the world!” Every parent would love to know how they can be better parents to their precious children. Good parenting skills will help to develop a great relationship between you and your children. Good parenting is also important to help your children grow into confident and well-adjusted individuals.

Parenting is not easy and at the same time not so difficult. These are some tips which will help to make the journey smoother and easier. These tips are not addressing a specific problem, they are just certain guidelines. These are general parenting tips which you can apply in your everyday life while bringing up the kids.

1. Spend more time with your children: Your child is not going to remain young always. Time will fly away and he will soon be in his teens. Once they have attained the teenage they will be busy and have less time for you. While on the other hand the childhood time is the time when you can spend maximum amount of time with your child and grow close to him. Try to collect as many memorable incidents with him during that time. You will surely relish thinking of it later!

2. Try to think from the child’s point of view: If you are at any point of time irritated due to his demands or questions, just spare a moment and put yourself in his shoes. Come down to his imagination and reasoning level. Then you will be surprised to find that his demands are quite natural .You can even try and remember what you used to do when you were of that age! This will melt away your irritation!

3. Develop the right eating habits at a very early age: Make it a point to feed your child with the right food from the very early age. If your children eat healthy foods right from a young age, then it is likely that the habit will continue till adulthood. Thus you can ensure that your child grows into a well nourished adult.

4. Have a family time: In this very busy world we see that even the family members do not have time for one another. So make it a point to have at least one meal together as a family. This is so because you can do something together as a family. If this is not possible fix some 15 minutes during which the whole family plays together or chant bhajans together. This will strengthen the bond between you and your children!

5. Make your children Independent: Do not try to do everything needed by your child. For example let him make his own bed or pack his school bag and thing like this right from early childhood. This will help him to be independent. Making your child do a little cleaning of the house, folding of clothes, and washing dishes, etc will help him to learn basic life skills which everybody needs to know.

6. Do not try to impose things on your child: Ask their opinion on simpler and small affairs of the household matters. This will develop the decision making capacity of your child and he will also feel important.

7. Teach your child to be polite: Be a good listener. When your child speaks, listen to him so that he knows that when you speak he ought to listen. Whenever he interrupts your conversation, instead of being aggressive, tell him very politely that he has to wait for you to finish. If you want your child to learn manners, you have to follow them yourself. Try to use words like “Excuse Me”, “Thank You” “Sorry” while speaking to him so that he gets into the habit of using them!

8. Help your Child to overcome the fear of failure: If at any point of time your child is at the failure side, instead of scolding him or punishing him and using the phrases “I knew you will not be able to do it” or “You are fit for nothing”, try to encourage him to succeed. Let him understand that failure is the stepping stone for success! Encourage him to face the situation again and guide him so that he attains success. This will indirectly boast his confidence level which will be required in the later part of his life.

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