Wednesday 21 September 2011

CT Study of Early Humans Reveals Evolutionary Relationships

For decades scientists have disagreed about the significance of facial features shared by a number ofAustralopithecus species, and in particular two bony columns known as "anterior pillars" that extend up from the canine teeth and bracket the nasal opening.
Dr Brian Villmoare (University College London and The George Washington University) and Professor William Kimbel (Arizona State University) analysed CT scans of fossil skull fragments from fiveAustralopithecus species and found that beneath the skin the internal structure of the anterior pillars is quite different for different species. According to the authors, South Africa's A. robustus and East Africa's A. boisei had solid columns of dense, spongy bone tissue and were probably sister species, while A. africanus(also from South Africa) probably evolved in parallel as its pillars are simply hollow columns of bone.
The authors argue that these structural differences show that anterior pillars evolved via different pathways in different species. The findings challenge long-standing theories that similar external facial features represent shared traits inherited from a common ancestor, and suggest instead that external similarities in South Africa's A. africanus and A. robustus were due to parallel evolution.
"We believe that the detailed similarities in the internal anatomy of the face strongly supports the hypothesis that there was a single evolutionary branch of 'robust australopithecines', and that the A. africanus and A. boiseiforms both shared a common ancestor," says Dr Villmoare. "The external similarity of the anterior pillar in otherAustralopith species may be related to convergence on a similar dietary niche, but does not seem to indicate shared ancestry."

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