Thursday 22 September 2011

Back Pain Causes and Cure

Generally it is found that Back Pain is the main reason for a person to visit the doctor. 99 out of every 100 person are suffering from this irrespective of age or gender. Many spinal conditions cause back pain, but muscles sprains and strains can cause it, too. So it is very important to find out the cause for the pain.,
Back pain may be a result of injury to spinal cord or any other part related to it. Or it may be due to the muscular pain in the back. It may also occur due to sprains and strains caused by stressful movements like lifting something without using proper techniques or a sudden twisting motion.
Back Pain may be acute or chronic, sudden and sharp or dull. Acute pain may last for about a few weeks where as chronic pain is persistent.
Some of the common causes for back pain are:
  • Aging—-Ligaments in the spinal cord thickens and the discs dry out with age leading to increase in pressure on the spinal cord. This will lead to have symptoms like pain, numbness and weakness.
  • Daily life—Stress and emotional tension can cause muscles to tighten and contract, resulting in pain and stiffness. Since we carry most of our weight in our backs, that’s where we can feel the end result of tense daily living: tight muscles and painful movements.
  • Improper Posture—– The correct posture while sitting is to keep our back straight. Even knowing this we don’t practice it. We generally feel bend our spine while sitting. Standing for longer hours will also lead to back pain., Injuries and accidents— The injury caused to the spinal bone will lead to the back pain.
  • Obesity— Being overweight puts pressure and stress on the back, especially the low back, Carrying heavy loads on our backs may also lead to back pain.
  • Pregnancy—Back Pain is very common during pregnancy. Carrying a child changes the position of your internal organs putting a huge amount of pressure on the lower spine leading to the pain.
  • Long working hours—Computers have brought with them the problem of back pain. We are forced to sit in front of the computers for long hours. This is one of the major cause for back pain
Effective Alternative treatment to Back Pain:
  1. Accupressure—Developed in China, the practioneers believe that every individual possess a positive energy called ‘chi’ which when blocked causes a pain in the body.By freeing this ‘chi’ chanel they cure the pain.
  2. Herbal treatment—-Some of the herbs and its extract which helps in lessening the back pain are Ginger Root Extract, Shallaki Capsules, Arthcare.
  3. Massage– Many cases of back pain are caused by muscle strain and overuse, Massage with a herbal oil is a worthwhile treatment in these conditions. A massage can help release muscle tension and relieve muscle inflammation and pain.
Simple steps to be practiced to avoid the occurrence of back pain
  • Sit on a firm chair and not in couches.
  • Every time you lift something, remember to bend your knees first, this will prevent your lower back from getting tense causing damage to your spine and back muscles.
  • If you have to sit for long working hours then relax two or three times a day. Stand straight keeping your palm on the lower hip, fingers facing the ground. Stretch back, look at the ceiling for 4to 5 minutes. This will help you to relax the back muscles.,
  • Practicing regular exercise will also be beneficial.
  • Lie on your abdomen. Hold your hands crossing near the buttocks and stretch them .Then slowly lift your chestup and down 30 to 40 times
  • Use hard bed for sleeping instead of soft bed

1 comment:

  1. Backpain is the most common caused of missed work. It is possible to avoid backpain by knowing the cause and how to prevent it.
    Krisha | orthopedic emr
