Friday, 14 October 2011

Guggul - An Herbal Medicine

Guggul botanically known as Commiphora Mukul, it is from Burseraceae family, and commonly known as Commiphora Mukul, Guggul and Balsamodendrom Mukul. Guggul is a small shrub or a tree; it bears thorns on its branches. Guggul contain small leaves those very similar to that of a neem tree flowers of guggul are red in color and bears fruit that are elliptical in shape and soft in nature.
Guggul can be found everywhere in India. Guggul is a very valuable herbal medicine. It is widely used for obesity and cholesterol. It is also known as fat burning agent all over the world. Guggul is a very important and trustworthy herb in ayurvedic medicine. Basically it is used almost in every kind of illness due to its amazing treating power.

It is one of the oldest and most famous herbs in ayurvedic medicine. Guggul contains strong purifying and rejuvenating properties and its lipid regulating. Guggulu known as ushan virya herb i.e. it has hot potency, therefore has a killer nature of the diseases cause by vata dosha prominence. But its effects are also seen in suppressing all the three aggravated dosha therefore it works as tridosha suppressant. Guggul gets these properties as it contains tickt and katu rasa. Guggul is only used after purification (shudhikar) in milk; it should never be used in raw form. Though there are seen no serious side effects of guggul but sometime prolonged use may be associated with mild stomach upset. It may stimulate the thyroid and uterus, so it is best to avoid in cases of hyperthyroidism and pregnancy. Guggul can cause some side effect in some people like- anorexia, abdominal pain, skin rash and diarrhea. But modern extracts are more purified and fewer side effects have been reported with long-term use.

The usase and benefits of Guggul, An Ayurvedic Herbal:
  • Guggul is used in reducing fat levels from body and used as anti obesity agent since centuries.
  • It works as rasayan i.e. used in promoting youth ness with long life.
  • It relaxes the muscles which helps relieve menstrual pain.
  • It has been very dominantly used in arthritic pains. It also possesses the property that helps in reversing the degenerative changes that has occurred in joint and bones.
  • It helps in relieving pain and swelling, it is believed in strengthening nervous system of the body due to this property.
  • Guggulu has properties, which is indicated in hypertension.
  • In lowering blood pressure levels and maintaining it to normal levels Guggul plays a very important role.
  • It acts as blood purifier therefore it is used in skin diseases.
  • Guggul also known as heart tonic that strengthens the heart.
  • Guggul also works in strengthening our digestive system.
  • It is also known for improving our immune system; its good results are seen in leprosy and eczema.
  • Guggulu water is widely used to gargle to get relieve from tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, upper respiratory tract infection and throat irritation etc.
  • Guggul increased HDL cholesterol, which is needed by the body and lowers LDL cholesterol.
  • It is seen helpful in upper respiratory tract infection as it works as expectorant by helping in suppressing kapha dosha, which is the main culprit in causing wet cough.
  • Guggul helps in relieving pain and swelling, due to this property it is also believed in strengthening nervous system of the body.



  2. Thanks for sharing this useful informaion about guggul with us. It's indeed can be very useful in our day to day life.
