Friday, 14 October 2011

Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna" - An Natural & Important Cardio Tonic Herbal

In Ayurveda Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna is regarded as an important cardio tonic herb. Arjuna regarded as the sacred trees of India. In Ayurvedic formation it has been used since ancient times.
Arjuna is the large size deciduous tree. It is an evergreen tree with the yellow flowers and conical leaves.
It is used in various applications besides medicine like- its wood is used in boat and construction of house because it is very solid and its wood is also used in the making of the agricultural equipment and arms too.
For the purpose of shade it is grown in the cities and towns. Arjuna tree's bark contains calcium salts, magnesium salts, and glucosides have been used in traditional Ayurvedic herbalism.
Terminalia Arjuna is used in the treatment of angina, coronary artery disease, heart failure and edema it is an important herb.
In heart related illness it has effectively shown its worth. Arjuna is used for the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart failure, edema, and angina.
Arjuna contains the antioxidant properties similar to the Vitamin E so it helps in maintaining the cholesterol level at the normal rate.
Arjuna strengths the heart muscles also and maintains the heart functioning properly.

The usase and benefits of Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna:
  • Terminilia Arjuna or Arjuna contains prostaglandin enhancing and coronary threat modulating properties.
  • Terminalia Arjuna or Arjun promotes effective cardiac performance by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels properly.
  • In cases of liver cirrhosis, Terminalia Arjuna or Arjuna possesses diuretic and a general tonic outcome.
  • It reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
  • Arjuna relieves hypertension or High blood pressure.
  • Arjuna supports normal heart function, heart muscle energy, platelet function, and blood pressure levels and acts as a natural tune-up for the heart.
  • Arjuna's numerous therapeutic cardiac benefits are well known.
  • It provides a significant cardiac protection in heart attack.
  • Terminilia Arjuna helps in lowering cholesterol levels and maintaining it to normal levels.
  • Arjuna herb is beneficial for all heart related problems.
  • Arjuna is used as wound healer also.
  • Due to its excellent curing power it can be applied locally on burned area.
  • It helps in clot formations so it has been used in wounds and injuries to prevent blood loss.
  • It works as a wonderful antioxidant so it helps in stopping early aging signs and helps in maintaining youth.
  • Terminilia Arjuna also improves functioning of cardiac muscle.
  • It is seen that Terminilia Arjuna is very effective in tubercular cough by stopping blood in cough and healing the ruptured arteries in lungs.
  • Terminalia Arjuna maintains normal urine flow and helps in suppressing painful micturation.

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