Here, we look at some more common health problems and how foods can help reduce symptoms or cure the condition completely.
Infertility is a massive problem for women and men, says Natalie Savona, and there are many underlying causes, some of which won't be affected by nutrition.
But you can boost your chances of conceiving and the health of your foetus by making sure you include certain things in your diet.
The most important mineral for fertility in women and men is zinc, which helps to increase sperm count and strength in men and general fertility and foetal health in women. It is found in lean meat, shellfish, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and all fish.
Lack of iron can also be a cause of infertility in women and eating more iron, found in lean meat and offal, boosts red blood cells, increasing circulation and overall health.
Vitamin B6 - found in wholegrains, cereals, pulses, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms, broccoli and avocados - is thought to balance levels of the hormone progesterone, boosting fertility.
There is some evidence to suggest that high fat diets can reduce fertility so adopting a low fat diet could also help you conceive.
The B-vitamin folic acid is essential to boost the health of the foetus as it is growing. Found in fish oils, it is also thought to reduce problems with conception and encourage healthy fertility levels.
Deficiency in folic acid can lead to fatigue, weakness, sore red tongue and shortness of breath.
It's not necessary to take your vitamins and minerals separately, says Natalie Savona, and if you find you can't get enough in your diet a good multivitamin should include enough of all of these fertility-boosting substances.
The most important thing to remember, she says, is for both partners to ensure their diet is balanced and to cut down on toxins like caffeine, alcohol and, most importantly, cigarettes.
Every day in the UK, it is estimated that 90,000 people are off work because of a headache or migraine. The condition costs us £1 billion a year, and 15 per cent of the population suffer regularly.
Dehydration is a major cause of head pain and water helps to flush out the internal organs, preventing toxins and other substances from accumulating. So, the single most important thing to do if you want to prevent headaches is to drink lots of water.
The only food which has been shown to significantly reduce headache pain is feverfew, a small green plant with yellow flowers which was shown in one study to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches in 70 per cent of sufferers.
The bitter-tasting leaves of feverfew can be eaten chopped in sandwiches or on a salad, with two or three leaves usually being sufficient to reduce pain.
But you're more likely to be able to cure headaches by cutting something out of your diet than by adding to it. Experts think that some foods can act as 'triggers' for headaches.
The principle is that some foods trigger the livers of certain people to produce substances called vasodilating amines that cause the blood vessels in the brain to open wide.
This increases the flow of blood and the body interprets this as pain, resulting in a headache which is often accompanied by vision problems, sickness, loss of balance or sensitivity to light.
Foods which contain vasodilating amines are cheese, particularly blue cheese, sugar, bacon, ham, aubergines, peppers, pork, wheat flour, bananas, onions, chocolate and citrus fruit.
Alcohol and caffeine have the same effect, although with caffeine the blood vessels enlarge because of a lack of it rather than too much. Nitrogen-based food chemicals found in Chinese food, smoked meats, hot dogs, sausage, salami and some other foods containing flavour enhancers can also cause headaches in some people.
To reduce pain for good cut out caffeine, alcohol and trigger foods. These will differ between individuals and in some people will only need to be avoided at 'danger' times like in periods of stress or pre-menstrually.
Some people find that fluctuations in blood sugar levels can cause headaches and if this is the case eating every three to five hours can help to balance the blood sugar levels and reduce pain. Kelp and iodine supplements have also been shown to be useful in some people.
Bad breath
Foods like onions and garlic can affect breath in some people as can alcohol, coffee, tea and acidic fruit juices, which can dehydrate the body as well as altering the bacterial levels in the mouth which can lead to bad breath.
The most important thing to remember is to drink eight glasses of water a day, say experts, and to drink throughout the day because that will stop the accumulation of halitosis-causing sulphur compounds in the mouth, wash the mouth out and trigger the production of breath-neutralising saliva.
A major cause of bad breath is digestive problems, says Natalie Savona. When food sits in the stomach because the foods are too complex for the digestive system to cope with it can lead to bad breath. This is often the case if someone has eaten a lot of rich or processed food like white bread, refined carbohydrates or cheese, she says.
The best thing to do is to make sure you don't eat too many of these foods and to fill up on pineapple and papaya, which contain special enzymes to boost the digestive system.
Alternatively, she suggests taking a supplement containing the enzymes bromelain and papain, which are extracted from these fruits.
Chewing sugar-free gum or mint leaves or drinking peppermint tea is thought by some to solve the problem in the short term.
If bad breath persists after this, even with 'fresh' foods like cucumber, celery and lettuce which are thought to wash the mouth out as they are eaten, there could be an underlying cause like gum disease or a build up of plaque on the teeth or tongue. In this case, it is important to see a dentist.
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